The Climate Pledge
Amazon came to us with a new brand and one question, "How do we make The Climate Pledge Famous?"
We dove into research and provided a Strategic Brand Approach and Audience Playbooks to inform and align The Climate Pledge (TCP) marketing teams, creative agency, social agency, and media agency teams. The global launch strategy engaged all teams to rally around the need to walk the talk behind The Climate Pledge.
Audience Playbooks
Below are snapshots of the high-value segment (HVS) playbooks developed to introduce and inform The Climate Pledge teams about the two key audiences to making The Climate Pledge famous.
Sustainability is a journey, not an event.
While it’s important to announce TCP with a bang to establish the initiative, media must do more than drive reach and awareness. Content and social media must show TCP progress and provide a forum for interactivity alongside attention-grabbing cross-channel video. We’ll introduce TCP, establish trust and credibility, then engage and empower TCP’s audiences.
Client: Amazon
Media Agency: Initiative
Lead Strategist - Danielle Kermode